Sunday, December 13, 2009

Desperately Seeking Writing Mojo

I've lost my writing mojo.
Life seems to have gotten in the way once again. I'm mentally, emotionally, psychologically and physically fatigued from all the constant challenges I've had to face in the last 16 months. Just as I think the worst is behind me, then something else happens. It's all finally taken a toll.

I know that sometimes writing needs to take a back seat - especially when there is no energy left. But I wish I'd stop feeling so damn guilty about it.

I've decided to write at least 100 words per day. Because not writing feels so bad. And I lose track of my story and where I'm going with it if I take too long away from the WIP.

The point of this post is not to whine, believe it or not. I want some suggestions from those who care to share them. What do you do when your writing mojo goes AWOL?


Lacey Devlin said...

(HUGS) It happens. The act of living gets in the way. Like you I try not to take too long off because my story goes AWOL too. Desperately clinging to the dream of being a published author helps me - that and chocolate ;)

Natalie Anderson said...

Angie - I can relate, I really can - I've had a tougher time this year too what with shifting towns, bereavement, sick kids and a minor operation myself. And I get tired. I really do. And you're right, not writing feels bad. And its wonderful that writing makes us feel better. So i think your goal of writing something (be it 100 words or whatever) is a great place to start - the best actually. it all adds up to a book in the end. And the longer you have away from writing, the worse the bad feeling gets.
Also i think finding some inspiration and having uplifting experiences is good - go to a new cafe or something and people watch, see a movie, read a book outside of the line or even genre you're writing in, read some poetry, go to a concert. i *love* going to a concert and watching really skilled musicians who have taken YEARS to practice their craft and who can then entertain so many people - i find that inspiring... (one of my majors was Music - I'm a classical fan). Then reward yourself for the words you do get down - even with a little pat on your back and a 'i did 500 words' dance down the hall. And repeat to yourself that you'll get there, that you're a great writer because positivity is everything.
You can do it.
Right - I better take my own advice - I'm off to do my daily tally!

And I'm really glad you enjoyed my stories.

The mojo isn't lost, it just needs a stir :)

Angie Peters said...

Natalie, thank you so much for your encouragement, support, advice as well as sharing your own difficulties. I REALLY appreciate it - especially as you've taken the time from your own busy schedule to post a comment.

Thanks for the suggestion to do something new and uplifting. It's easy to forget that the muse (and the soul) needs inspiration. I'll take your advice and think about something different which I'd like to do or read. With the aim of stirring the mojo, of course :)

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Life's so hard sometimes, and everything has a habit of happening at once. I've not written anything properly for a while and yes, I do feel guilty. But I think your idea of 100 words a day is a good one - not putting too much pressure on yourself and keeping your hand in.



Angie Peters said...

Thanks for the support, Suzanne :) The guilt makes it harder, doesn't it? I'm sure you'll get back on the horse again, so to speak. We all need a break from writing at times.

Angie Peters said...

Sorry Lacey, I must've missed your comment. How remiss of me!
I appreciate you stopping by and lending your support. The dream of being published keeps me going, too. And the chocolate fetish alway helps :)

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