Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Harlequin Presents comp

Well, I've decided that my first chapter is nowhere near ready to be seen by an editor. Instead of entering the Harlequin Presents comp with a sub-standard entry, I'll work on it some more and submit it as my second assignment for the Category Writing Course that I'm doing. With the feedback that I'll receive from my fabulous teacher, then I can either rewrite, scrap, or edit the first chapter. There's something lacking, but I can't pinpoint exactly what...

At least I have a plan, so I'm happy. I've also signed up for NaNoWriMo this year with the aim of finishing the first draft of MBFFW. So instead of completing 50k, I'll be aiming for 44k.


Jackie Ashenden said...

Good luck with Nano, Angie. I'll have to sign on.

Angie Peters said...

Thanks, Jackie. Good luck to you, too :)

Hey, your my first commentor!

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

I've added you to my NaNo friends list so we can cheer each other on.

Your course sounds great - it's invaluable to get such feedback. I'm currently waiting for a report about a ts I subbed to the Romantic Novelists' Association and hoping for some pointers. In the meantime, I have drafted out a chapter of a new story and am going to send it (if I can get it into some sort of order in time).


Angie Peters said...

Thanks, Suzanne. We can cheer each other on during November!

Good luck on the sub you sent in to the RNA - it sounds like a great scheme, one that I wish we had in Oz. Oh, and best of luck with the comp entry - I'll have my fingers crossed for you :)

Sussan Marz said...

Good luck with NaNo. Have fun with the course too :-)

Angie Peters said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Sussan :)

Best of luck with NaNo to you, too. So far, I'm not even out of the starting gate yet.

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